
Web page family Weerdesteijn till Werensteijn


Werensteijn is not a ordinary name like Jansen (meaning Son of Jan) etc, but named to Ridderhof (castle) Weerdesteijn in city Nederlangbroek (currently Wijkbijduurstede), most probably built by Philips van Weerdesteijn around the year 1300.
The name Weerdesteijn means built out of stone(steijn) on a weerd/waard (lowlevel land surrounded by water).

The earliest ancestor I could find is Geurt Jansen van Weerdesteijn, born before 1650 around city Heteren Gelderland and married Grietje Jans in 1670.
Two or tree of there children moved to Odijk and also a number moved to Amsterdam, the Odijk family produced the most descendants!
A document shows that already in the year 1350 there was a family relation between the noble family van Heteren that lived in castle 'Den Roode Toren' in Heteren with the family Weerdenstein.

My suspicion is that there is a relation between the family Weerdesteijn, Werensteijn and Ridderhof (castle) Weerdesteijn, which can be a family relation, but also an employee who ever worked on ridderhof Weerdsteijn, a bastard son of one of the noble people who ever lived on castle Weerdesteijn etc.
Unfortunately many archives in the cities Wijkbijduurstede and Odijk are lost, due to which I am stocked with my investigation for the period between 1300 and 1650.
By putting all my information on the web, I hope to collect more information which can help me to make the family tree as complete as possible.

This website is in progress, all information, corrections and tips for improvement are welcome.
Due to privacy reasons, people still alive have not been included, but will be if permission is given.

I would like to thank Wolter van de Wetering (RHC), Mirjam van Rooijen, Hans van der Linden and all other people that contributed to make the information on this website as complete and accurate as possible!

Used resources:

- Genlias
- Genealogie zuidoost Utrecht
- Genealogie Soest & Eemland
- Van Papier naar Digitaal
- Het Utrechts archief
- Regionaal Historisch Centrum Rijnstreek en Lopikerwaard
- Gelders archief Arnhem
- Stads archief Amsterdam
- Wiewaswie
- Zoekakten
- Wittert van Hoogland, Utrechtsche ridderhofsteden en heerlijkheden (1912) 2 delen.
- Olde Meierink, Kastelen en ridderhofsteden (1995) isbn=90-3545-072-6.

Chris Werensteijn Email: chris.werensteijn@gmail.com

Last update September 4, 2015